Get Involved – As A Sponsor!

The Richmond Hill Winter Carnival is a community volunteer-organized event. The Carnival is funded through button and food revenues and through financial support from local and area businesses each year.


All businesses that provide support are duly acknowledged both at the event, and as much as possible in the local printed media. Depending upon the level of support, a company may be named on our program, and/or may display their name on a banner or sign at the event.

The committee is open to proposals from companies wishing to appear at the Winter Carnival to join in the fun while promoting a new product or service, especially one which relates in some way to winter play. It is important to remember, however, that Winter Carnival is a non-commercial event. Participating companies are not permitted to sell product at the site, solicit business, nor distribute food samples or coupons. Please let us know if you are interested.

Having Fun With The Costumed CharactersWinter Carnival welcomes child-friendly costume characters. Let us know if you have a costumed character that would like to be at The Carnival.